Kaleb Klein

KSE: KotOR Savegame Editor

Created: Dec 14th, 2015, 8:00:10 PM UTC (9 years ago)

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For those who play PC games, and ever played the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic games, you'll know about KotOR Savegame Editor, or KSE for short.

Originally created and maintained by tk102 [www.lucasforums.com] (You'll have to register to the forums to see his profile). A couple years ago, a modder named FairStrides [deadlystream.com] took ownership of KSE from tk102 to add much needed improvements. Mid 2015, I joined in with FairStrides in working on KSE and introduced an auto-updater into the application. Now I currently maintain KPF: KSE PathFinder tool. Used to grab game locations and generate config files for KSE.

Today, KSE is comprised of FairStrides, Chev Chelios [deadlystream.com], and myself.

If you wish to get KSE and use it, use the following links in the section below

Download Links

DeadlyStream [deadlystream.com]
Steam [steamcommunity.com]
LucasForums [www.lucasforums.com]

Extra Links

BitBucket Repository [bitbucket.org]
Mantis Bug Tracker [mantis.kalebklein.com] (Registration Required)


